S I M P L I F Y with Systems!

I’m completely honored that Start Up Princess Liz Rosenbaum featured me on her blog liz-headshot.jpgwww.scrapbooks.com/blog today. However, I have to say that while, yes, I might be ambitious with my big dreams for Start Up Princess and sweet & charming, I MUST S I M P L I F Y or else I’m going to go nutty. When I met my dear friend, Liz at the pool this summer, I was on a roll, things were clicking and going very smoothly for me because a lot of my systems were in place (so apparently I impressed her, I HIGHLY doubt Liz would be impressed if she came over to my house right now), but without systems, you have chaos if you’re as busy as we are in our house. I recommend the book, E-Myth Revisted by Michael Gerber (only $10 at Amazon) for understanding what systems to put into place with your business so it runs like clockwork without YOU (so you can take a vacation or so you can play with your kids at th park!), or if you’re the only one in your business, so YOU can take a vacation and know what to do when you return to get back into the system again. For example, what is the “system” for taking off clothing at your house? Putting it on the floor might be one that everyone currently does, but that needs to be corrected with a more effective system! Or, when you get your mail, does it go straight to the counter like at my house? Then before you know it, that system is a whole pile and a complete danger zone. I can’t wait to hear The Fly Lady discuss more ideas on the subject this weekend in SLC at the LDS Conference Center (only $8).

Today’s Magic Wand: Consider 1 system you can implement at home and at work today. The Fly Lady recommends starting with creating a sparkling sink. I’ll start there too. For my business, I am going to work on a system for my business papers. Any ideas for this??
PLEASE share what systems work for you and your business! We need to help each other! 🙂

  1. The Fly Lady, http://www.flylady.net is a well-known radio talk show/newspaper columnist about organization/cleaning. I love her! Check out her ironically messy, disorganized site, but it has GREAT free info, if you can wade through it.

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